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Get the latest The Darkness cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for The Darkness.
The Darkness on the Microsoft Xbox 360. Published by 2K Games. Developed by Starbreeze. Released in 2007. Download game manual. View video of game. Screenshot of game.
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European Retailer Special Darkling
Enter 555-game into any phone in the game.
We have no unlockables for The Darkness yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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We have no glitches for The Darkness yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no guides or FAQs for The Darkness yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Achievement List
Anti Air (15) | Bring down the Chopper |
Anti Hero (25) | Complete game on normal setting |
Beginnings (25) | Complete the first part of the game |
Bringing People Together (5) | Trap 5 enemies within a Black Hole |
Bullet Dodger (20) | Finish a multiplayer match with less than 5 deaths (minimum of 4 players) |
Butcher (25) | Claim 20 Killing Streaks in multiplayer |
Cannibal (25) | Devour 300 enemies |
Completionist (20) | Unlock 100 collectables |
Contract Killer (25) | Be on the winning side in 50 multiplayer matches |
Crazy For You (25) | Acquire Black Hole |
Darkling Master (15) | Acquire all Darkling types |
Darkness Master (100) | Only for those who are completely in tune with the Darkness |
Executioner (10) | Kill 25 enemies using execution moves |
Fashionable (25) | Collect all the Darkling outfits |
Flag Owner (10) | Capture 50 flags in a CTF match |
Flag Runner (5) | Capture 20 flags in a CTF match |
Gatherer (5) | Unlock 25 collectables |
Ghandi (10) | Find a peaceful solution. At least momentarily |
Gunner (15) | Kill 30 enemies using Darkness Guns |
Gunslinger (25) | Kill 7 enemies within 15 seconds |
Happy Birthday (25) | Acquire Creeping Dark |
Hard to Kill (5) | Take enough damage without dying within a multiplayer match |
Heart of Gold (50) | Help those in need |
Henchman (15) | Be on the winning side in 20 multiplayer matches |
Hills (25) | Acquire Darkness Guns |
Hoodlum (5) | Be on the winning side in a multiplayer match in any of the multiplayer modes |
Into the Dark (50) | Complete the second part of the game |
Keeper of the Secret (10) | Someone's waiting by the phone |
Knuckle, Meet Face (5) | Perform a melee kill for the first time |
Legendary Dark (35) | Complete game on hard setting |
Legendary Executioner (20) | Kill 50 enemies using execution moves |
Legendary Summoner (25) | Summon 50 Darklings |
Made Man (35) | Be on the winning side in 100 multiplayer matches |
Mook (5) | Be on the winning side in 5 multiplayer matches |
Murderer (5) | Claim a Killing Streak in multiplayer |
No Man's Land (25) | Acquire Demon Arm |
One With the Dark (25) | Achieve maximum Darkness level |
Patriot (5) | Capture a flag in a CTF match |
Picking Up Stuff (5) | Unlock a collectable for the first time |
Ripper (15) | Kill 30 enemies using Demon Arm |
Roadkill (10) | Kill the workers in the tunnel |
Rogue Killer (15) | Kill 15 enemies using Creeping Dark |
Romantic (10) | Real guys stick around for their ladies |
Summoner (5) | Summon 5 Darklings |
Take a Look at the Sky (50) | Take down 6 airplanes. |
The Collector (10) | Unlock 50 collectables |
The Don (45) | Be on the winning side in 250 multiplayer matches |
The Obsessive Collector (15) | Unlock 75 collectables |
Up Close and Personal (5) | Perform an execution move for the first time |
Void Bringer (15) | Kill 20 enemies using Black Hole |
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Get the latest Crackdown cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Crackdown.
Easy Ring Leader Achievement
The Darkness Game Cheats Ps3
Play with someone in Co-op mode. The player who needs the achievement should be in the car and the other person should be able to pick up the car and throw you into the ring. This gets them faster then finding a ramp to jump to get them. This works best when the person picking up the car has a 4-star strength rating.
Double Jump
Pick up an object (preferably smaller, but bigenough as to your character holds it over hishead) Jump to your peak height then throw theobject with R. As your character pulls his armsback behind his head jump again and you should beescalated into the air. This may take 4 or 5tries before you get the hang of it. Timing isthe main thing about accomplishing it.
Easy Body Armor Achievement
You can use civilians and cops also! This makesthings easier.
Rubber Ducky
There are multiple rubber duck toys that can befound throughout the city, but an easy place tofind them is the Los Muertos Carnival Area. Godirectly left from the entrance (facing into thepark.) In one of the booths on the right-handwall, sitting there will be multiple rubberduckies. While there's nothing special aboutthem, you can pick them up and throw them. Andnothing's better than killing a gangster with abath toy.
Baggage Carrier
The baggage carrier can be found in the Volk onthe 3 platform on the oil rig.NOTE: the boss must be killed first to be able toget it.
Toggle Crimes
Successfully complete the game by eliminating the Los Muertos, Volk, and Shai-Gen gang on any difficulty to unlock the ability to turn on or off the respawning enemies in their respective districts from the game start up screen.
Easy Chain Banger Achievement
On the Los Muertos island in the south is a pier that extends into the water (west of the Ferris wheel pier). On that pier is a circle of explosive barrels that curl around a building on the pier. Shoot it, then run north and as the pier allows you to, go east or west. Look to the west where the apartments are located. There is another set of barrels in a row. Shoot them. Repeat this process a few times to get the Chain Banger achievement.
Easy Global Impact Achievement
Just north of the Volk Boss 'Gryzunova' is a building with a large world globe. Use this globe to kill fifteen gang members to get the Global Impact achievement.
The Agency S.U.V. Does More Than You Think
When you max out your vehicle skill, it unlocksnew powers for the agency vehicles. The S.U.V.'spower is a hydraulic jump to perform bettertricks, but it also does something else. Whenyou hold down the B button, the S.U.V. hugs theground while charging the jump. If you drivestraight into a flat building where the frontwheels start to climb the wall, you can hold theB button to hug the wall. Now just hold the gasand keep the front end against the buildingusing the analog, and you should start to driveup the side of the building. This trick is easyto perform and it makes getting your vehicle tohigher levels pretty easy.
All Weapons
At The Pause Menu Press D-Pad Up(2), Y, X(2), D-Pad Left, then press D-pad Right(3).
All Guns
Impound all flagged vehicles and store them in the Agency Garage.
Agency Explosives Expert
Run & jump your way to a 4-star Agility rating.
Agency Wheelman
Accelerate and slide your way to a 4-star Driving rating.
![Xbox Xbox](https://megagames.com/sites/default/files/game-content-images/The Darkness II 2.jpg)
Agency Brawler
Punch, jab, kick, and throw your way to a 4-star Strength rating.
The Darkness Game Cheats For Xbox 360 Gta 5
Agency Marksman
Hit your target every time to achieve a 4-star Firearms rating.
Master Agent
Earn 4-star ratings in all five skill areas and then max out your Skills Status meters.
Roadkill King
Mow down and massacre 175 gang members while driving.
High Flyer
Fire away - shoot and kill 500 gang members using firearms.
Bare-knuckle Brawler
Kill 150 gang members with your bare hands (or thrown objects).
Mad Bomber
Show your explosive personality - kill 500 gang members using explosives.
Untouchable Agent
Use explosives to keep a body up in the air for 10 seconds.
Car Juggler
Use explosives to keep a car up in the air for seven seconds.
Hazardous Hangtime
Achieve a height of 115 feet or more in a vehicle.
Front Flipper
Execute two forward flips in a single jump in a moving vehicle.
Timed Stunt Driver
Jump from the top of the Agency Tower and land in the water below.
Stunt Driver
Successfully execute five car stunts - front & back flips, barrel rolls, a long jump.
Orb Hunter
Collect 500 Agility Orbs.
Repo Man
Locate all Los Muertos dossier targets.
Volk Intel Master
![The darkness game cheats for xbox 360 cars The darkness game cheats for xbox 360 cars](https://www.cheatcc.com/imagesx360/thedarkness_11a.jpg)
Locate all Shai-Gen dossier targets.
First Blood
Murder Los Muertos - Kill all Los Muertos gang members.
Volk Cleanser
Eviscerate the Volk - Take out all Volk gang members.
Shai-gen Cleanser
Assassinate Shai-Gen - Kill all Shai-Gen gang members.
The Trifecta
Wipe the city clean by taking out all members of all three gangs.
Unlock your first Supply Point.
It's Good To Be Connected
Shoot and kill 5 gang members in a single jump (while airborne).
Throw any object (other than a grenade) 205 feet or more.
Global Impact
Drive through all of the unique Stunt Markers.
Chain Banger
Successfully complete all 14 Road Races.
Over Our Heads
Complete all Time Trial missions at the Psychotic difficulty level.
Street Racer
Win every Street Race using all available vehicles.
Flippin' Crazy
Execute 3 flips of any type in a single jump in any vehicle.
Body Armor
Use the Harpoon gun to attach 5 gang member corpses to a single vehicle.
Street Racer (Premium Downloadable Content)
Win all Street Races using any available vehicle. Worth 20 points.
Body Armor (Premium Downloadable Content)
Using the harpoon gun, spear and attach five bodies to a single vehicle. Worth 10 points.
Flippin' Crazy (Free Downloadable Content)
Use any vehicle to complete 3 flips in a single jump. Worth 20 points.
Pack Rat (Premium Downloadable Content)
Finish any of the stockpile mini-games while playing in co-op mode in less than 2:30. Worth 10 points.
Psych Out (Free Downloadable Content)
Finish all of the Time Trial missions while playing on the Psychotic difficulty level. Worth 100 points.
Confiscator (Free Downloadable Content)
You have to impound all of the flagged vehicles and stash them in the Agency garage. Worth 40 points.
Street Racer Elite (Premium Downloadable Content)
Win all of the Street Races using all available vehicles. Worth 150 points.
We have no easter eggs for Crackdown yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Crackdown yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Created by: Captain Custard.Read the full guide...
Created by: yankeesrock5333.Read the full guide...