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Incomplete code(s) Smuggler's Run 2 SLUS-20204 60 fps 2036EE0 Regarding FF12, sometime speed modifiers gets loaded directly into registers(so they don't appear in RAM), lui v0,0x3F80(3C023F80 hex opcode) then followed (not necessarily immediately) by a mtc1 v0,f12 for example.
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Funny Out House Man #2
Go to the mission Friend or Foe in South Asia. When your reach the second village, complete the the two objectives first. Then go into the village and kill all the terrorists, and then find the out house. When you stand next to it, you will hear a terrorist inside it talking and read the subtitles because they're pretty funny.
Funny Out House Man
Go on the mission Heart of the Fist in South Asia, and at the end of the mission in the area of the last objective find the out house. Go near it and you will hear talking from inside of it, and read the subtitles because its really funny! This will not work if you went to the crates (the last objective) before you go to the out house.
Easy Way To Mantain Stealth
If you want to maintain your stealth, follow these tips:
1. Put a suppressor on your gun and don't put a laser pointer on.
2. If you can sneak past an enemy without him noticing, do it and don't kill him either (even though it'd be fun).
3. If your about to kill someone, look around if there's someone near him first.
4. If sneaking by an enemy, always go prone so you would be less visible and quieter.
5. If there are to enemies near each other, kill the guy behind the other.
6. Remember to hide the bodies!
If you follow these tips, you should be able to maintain stealth.
Kill The Boat Driver On Water Logged
Get a Stealthy gun with suppressor 1. And get athermal. Then as you already jump that gate,Stealth kill the driver. The other guy willsuddenly start to drive the boat - kill him thenyou will not get caught. If this does not workkill the guy with the gun.
An Awesome Way To Make Terrorists Surrender
If you are on level friend or foe, and you are at the place where there are guys thatare making guys get tortured for betrayal. Thenyou have to get a flash bang. After that, throw itat those 4 or 5 guys and, they'll allsurrender. HINT: Some of the terrorists killtheir own guys if they surrender.
Funny Comments
Play the mission where you have to escort afriendly and get information from villagers.Once you get the information from the secondperson, silently kill all terrorists in thatvillage. Then, sneak up on the outhouse and sitin front of it. After about thirty seconds youshould hear a terrorist scream 'Oh God -- howcan you be constipated and have diarrhea at thesame time?'. Additionally, if you wait longenough at the overview briefing of any mission,Fireteam will begin to make fun of the missionor those involved.
Quick Command
To use quick command in single player missionsin S3, follow to below information.
Switching Your Weapon Online
If you switch your primary with a dead person onanother team, you get to keep their weapon therest of the game. Example: If you are aTerrorist and you switch your AK-47 with somedead SEALs' IW-80 A2, you get to keep their IWfor the rest of the whole game, not just a round.
Ghille Suit Usage
If you aren't even sure what the Ghille Suit isused for...read. It's mainly used for sniping.You could snipe in it and not be spotted soeasily by people with the worse attention span.Silencing your sniper rifle will also help youstay hidden from enemies. Note: The ghille suitadds on a lot of load and it can make you runvery slow so it wouldn't be a good idea to havea rocket launcher or anything with you. So don'ttake so much with you; the ghille suit takes thespace of an extra weapon (grenades, mines, etc.).
In The Tank
![Xbox Xbox](http://s01.riotpixels.net/data/43/a7/43a77ae2-5818-48c1-b68e-0ae4e1656930.jpg.2160p.jpg/screenshot.socom-4-us-navy-seals.3840x2160.2011-04-22.42.jpg)
Isn't it annoying trying to shoot somebody withthe cannon on your tank? Especailly when theyget way too close? Just switch to the machinegun if it's open and blast away. You'll killthem fast, if you are an accurate shooter. Andif you are getting shot while on the machinegun, switch back into the tank (that's if thetank isn't full). It really helps and it getsrid of the frustration. ALSO it would be good ifthere was a driver while you are doing this. Hecould be running people over at the same time.
Unlocking The Ghille Suit And Other Characters
To unlock the Ghille Suit (a sort of camo thatblends you in with your surroundings) and otherchracters, you must beat the game on Commanderdifficulty or higher. You get differentchracters for different areas of operations youbeat.
Socom 2 Game Cheats Ps3
Unlocking The STG 77 And IW-80 A2 For Online PLay
Beat the single player on admiral difficulty tounlock these two powerful assault rifles foronline play.Note: STG 77 is for the Terrorists and the IW-80A2 is for the SEALs.
Getting The Med. Scope And Front Grip
To get the medium scope, you must beat singleplayer on Commander difficulty mode. To get thefront grip, beat single player on Captain mode.Note: To be able to play Captain mode, you mustbeat Commander mode. It will be availableafterwards and the thing goes with Admiral.
![Socom 2 Socom 2](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/293220/ss_96bb94e5309de7bb554439e8e78d7141a63f5e3c.1920x1080.jpg?t=1592658664)
Socom 2
Unlimited Health
In game mode pause and press R1, R1, R1 and you will get unlimited heath when you go back to the game.
Socom 2 Game Cheats Xbox 360
Display Coordinates
Pause the game and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, L1, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square.
We have no unlockables for SOCOM 3 U.S. Navy SEALs yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no easter eggs for SOCOM 3 U.S. Navy SEALs yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
The Glitch for 'Killing Fields' (Online Play)
Socom 2 Ps2 Cheats
SEALs: (Suppression Only) After you spawn insidethe palace go to the ladder next to the doorwayand climb but not all the way to the top. Slidedown and move to the locked door to the far rightof your spawn only using the left thumbstick.Dive into the door and you will slide rightthrough and you will be outside of the map andyou can go anywhere in the map as if you wereplaying Demolition or something. So try it outand piss every one off online
Created by: shakocatcher1.Read the full guide...