There are two kinds of training options in the game. Most of the training options available are there to increase your employee's stats. Several other options allow you to learn abilities, specialisations or unlock special features. 1 Training your stats 1.1 Book Studies (version 1.4.3) 1.2 Practice, Practice, Practice 1.3 Teach and Learn 2 Specialized training 2.1 Management 2.2 Unique. This glitch removes the 'PREV' symbol so you can use a specific employee an unlimited number of times to do a certain job of game making (scenario, graphics, sound). When you are going to make a game and you are prompted to pick an employee to pick a scenario, press 'back' on the bottom right. If you are struggling with hiring good employees, developing medium-sized games, using marketing or other complexities, check out our intermediate level guide, here. Game Dev Tycoon, a new iOS simulator game that puts players in the shoes of a game developer, has been a personal obsession of ours this week. In the game, players spend the first.
Game Dev Tycoon Codes
Name a game 'half life' or 'half-life' (case insensitive) while in the third office (after PC upgrade, before tech park).
Make a game named 'Pong' (case doesn't matter) while in the garage. While coding the graphics part, the animation on the wall will play.
Treasure Hunter
Activate the treasure egg in the garage.
Various Achievements
How to unlock
100k Engine
Invest over 100k in a new game engine.
1m Engine
Invest over 1m in a new game engine.
500k Engine
Invest over 500k in a new game engine.
Cult Status
Set a new standard for the early gaming industry.
Find at least one of the easter egg in the game.
Sell half ten milion copies of a game without the help of a publisher.
Have male and female staff.
Eat Cake
Show them red barrels some action.
Hire someone famous.
Pick an inspired company name.
Full House
Have the maximum number of employees.
Game Dev Tycoon
Finish the game.
Sell half a milion copies of a game without the help of a publisher.
Good Judgement
Create a game with a good theme/genre combination.
Develop the game within the game.
Reach level 10 with a character.
Perfect Game
Release a game with a clean score of 10.
Sell a milion copies of a game without the help of a publisher.
Reach level 5 with a character.
Support a young start-up. Buy the game.
Release a successful game in each of the give main genres.
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