Use a text editor to edit the 'descrstrat' file in the 'medieval ii total war data world maps campaign imperialcampaign' directory. Locate the 'unlockable' heading and copy its contents over the current contents under the 'playable' setting. While playing the game, press to display the console window. Type one of the following.
God of War 2 PS2 Cheats, Codes and Secrets. Like other games, God of War 2 also have several cheats and secret codes that can be used to create spesicif effects. God of War 2 cheats can be used to unlock costumes and weapons or even game modes. Below are several God of War 2 cheats, codes and secrets for PS2. God of War 2 Cheats – Unlockable. Stick War 2, a free online hacked game brought to you by Stick War 2 Cheats V1.19! Press K- Add 1000 gold, L- Add 1000 mana.
Cat Game Cat Collector Cheats
All factionsNote: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the 'descr_strat' file in the 'medieval ii total wardataworldmapscampaignimperial_campaign' directory. Locate the 'unlockable' heading and copy its contents over the current contents under the 'playable' setting. Swords and sandals 2 cheat codes.
Cheat CodesWhile playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Type one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Family member names, settlement names, and other proper names must be capitalized correctly.
Result | Cheat Code |
Get indicated amount of gold | add_money [number] |
Give city more population | add_population [settlement name] [number] |
Give any trait your faction can have to a specific general [Note] | give_trait [character] [trait] [level number] |
Give ancillary to specific general | give_ancillary [character] [ancillary] [level number] |
Anything in city's building queue built automatically | process_cq [settlement name] |
Toggles fog of war | toggle_fow |
Press Auto Retaliate button to automatically win; enter code at the battle scroll | auto_win [attacker|defender] |
Create unit | create_unit '[settlement or character]' '[unit ID]' '[amount from 1-5]' '[experience from 1-9]' '[armor from 1-3]' '[weapon from 1-3]' |
Elephant Artillery to selected city or unit | rogan |
Elephant Rocketeer to selected city or unit | vindaloo |
Elephants to selected city or unit | madras |
Mercenary Monster Bombard to selected city or unit | istanbul |
Mercenary Monster Ribault to selected city or unit | george |
Mercenary Rocket Launcher to selected city or unit | houston |
Reset stuck character | character_reset |
Show current coordinates | show_cursorstat |
Move object | move_character [settler or unit name] [x coord] [y coord] |
Note: The code does seem to work for characters with a second name. However, you can select the character on the campaign map, then type for example, give_trait this 'GoodCommander' 5 or whatever desired trait. This also works for the 'give_ancillary' code.
TraitsUse the following values with the 'give_trait [character] [trait] [level number]' code. Note: Some of these can be accompanied with a 'level number', usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties).
- AcademyTrained
- AdoredByPope
- AgentPiety
- Anger
- Arse
- AssassinsGuildMember
- AssassinsGuildTrained
- Austere
- Authoritarian
- BadAmbusher
- BadArtilleryCommander
- BadAttacker
- BadDenouncer
- BadDiplomacy
- BadGunpowderCommander
- BadMerchant
- BadPrincess
- BadRiskyDefender
- BadSiegeDefender
- BadTaxman
- BattleChivalry
- BattleDread
- BigotWoman
- Bishop
- Bloodthirsty
- Brave
- BraveDiplomat
- BraveWoman
- CaptorChivalry
- CaptorDread
- Cardinal
- Cheapskate
- ChivalryLegacy
- ColdWoman
- ContentGeneral
- Corrupt
- Corrupted
- Coward
- CrusaderHistory
- Cuckold
- Cultured
- Cursed
- Deranged
- DesperateWoman
- Despoiler
- Disciplinarian
- DiscontentGeneral
- DivineProtection
- Divorced
- Dogmatic
- Doomsayer
- DreadLegacy
- DykeWoman
- EasternWarlord
- EducatedWoman
- Energetic
- ExRebel
- Exheir
- ExoticTastes
- ExpensiveTastes
- FactionKiller
- Factionheir
- Factionleader
- FairProsecutor
- FairWoman
- FaithfulWoman
- FamousPirate
- FathersLegacy
- Fearscatholic
- Fearsheretic
- Fearsislam
- Fearsorthodox
- Fearspagan
- Fearsslave
- Fearstimurids
- Fearsturks
- Fearsvenice
- Feck
- Fertile
- FertileWoman
- ForcedReligious
- Genocide
- Girls
- GloriousFool
- GoodAdministrator
- GoodAmbusher
- GoodAssassin
- GoodArtilleryCommander
- GoodAttacker
- GoodCommander
- GoodDefender
- GoodDenouncer
- GoodDiplomacy
- GoodGunpowderCommander
- GoodMerchant
- GoodMiner
- GoodPrincess
- GoodRiskyAttacker
- GoodRiskyDefender
- GoodSiegeAttacker
- GoodSpy
- GoodTaxman
- Gregarious
- GrowingConviction
- Haemophobic
- HaleAndHearty
- Handsome
- HarshWoman
- HasAdultress
- HashashinsGuildMember
- Hatescatholic
- Hatesheretic
- Hatesislam
- Hatesorthodox
- Hatespagan
- Hatesslave
- Hatesturks
- Hatesvenice
- HighPersonalSecurity
- HorseRacer
- HumbleWoman
- Hypochondriac
- IAmPope
- IAmPrincess
- IndecisiveAttacker
- Infertile
- InfertileWoman
- InquisitorFailure
- Insane
- InspiringSpeaker
- Intelligent
- Introvert
- JaguarWarlord
- JihadHistory
- LaxPersonalSecurity
- LegalDealer
- Lewd
- Loyal
- LoyaltyStarter
- MarriedAPrincess
- MerchantEnemies
- MerchantsGuildMember
- MerchantsGuildTrained
- Missionary
- Monopolist
- Multilingual
- NaturalAssassinSkill
- NaturalDiplomatSkill
- NaturalHereticSkill
- NaturalInquisitorSkill
- NaturalMerchantSkill
- NaturalMilitarySkill
- NaturalPriestSkill
- NaturalPrincess
- NaturalSpySkill
- NaturalWitchSkill
- NightBattleCapable
- Noctophobia
- Objective
- OpenMinded
- PassionateWoman
- Peaceful
- Perverted
- PopesEnforcer
- Pragmatic
- PretentiousWoman
- PrettyWoman
- PriestLevel
- Prim
- PublicAtheism
- Purifier
- RansomChivalry
- RansomDread
- ReligionStarter
- ReligiousActivity
- ReligiousInactivity
- ReligiousIntolerance
- ReligiousMerchant
- ReligiousTolerance
- RhetoricSkill
- Righteous
- Sane
- SecretlyFemale
- SecureMerchant
- SecurityMerchant
- Senile
- ServesSelfMerchant
- ShadyDealer
- Skill
- Slothful
- Sobriety
- SpiritedWoman
- StrategyChivalry
- StrategyDread
- StrickenSerious
- StrickenSilly
- StrongFaith
- Subjective
- Superstitious
- TheologiansGuildMember
- TheologiansGuildTrained
- ThievesGuildMember
- ThievesGuildTrained
- TimidWoman
- TolerantWoman
- TooOldToFight
- TouchedByTheGods
- TourneyKnight
- UglyWoman
- UnchasteWoman
- UnfairProsecutor
- Unwrath
- VapidWoman
- WaningConviction
- Warmonger
- WaveringFaith
- WifeIsBarren
- WifeIsBitch
- WifeIsCharming
- WifeIsFertile
- WifeIsHorrid
- WifeIsNoble
- WifeIsWise
- Woman
- WorldlyMerchant
- Wrath
- Xenophilia
Use the following values with the 'give_ancillary [character] [ancillary] [level number]' code. Note: How to find pointers in games cheat engine. Some of these can be accompanied with a 'level number', usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties).
- academic_advisor
- accomplice
- adultress
- architect
- chastity_belt
- diplomatic_escort
- explosives
- femme_fatale
- fine_cosmetics
- herald
- mercenary_captain
- secret_love
- witch_hunter
- zealous_disciple
- amerigo_vespucci
- marco_polo
- martin_luther
- jan_zizka
- raphael
- niels_ebbesen
- arnold_von_winkelried
- geoffrey_chaucer
- john_wycliffe
- bertrand_du_guesclin
- aldus_manutius
- michaelangelo
- hair_from_mohammeds_beard
- doctor
- tutor
- bard
- catamite
- apothecary
- drillmaster
- quartermaster
- biographer
- mentor
- taticius
- brilliant_inventor
- foodtaster
- librarian
- magician
- mathematician
- poisoner
- shieldbearer
- bodyguard
- monk
God of War 2 cheats – God of War 2 is an action-adventure games released by Sony Computer Entertainment on 2007 for PS2 consoles. This games developed by Santa Monica Studio and become second installment as a part of God of War series. In this articles, we will discuss about God of War 2 PS2 cheats along with its codes, secrets, guide and walkthrough to unlock new costumes, weapons and game modes.
First released on March 2017, God of War 2 receive many positive responds around the world. The gameplay is very similar to the previous installment, and focuses on combo-based combat. God of War II also features puzzles and platform while there are many bosses rather than the original. Besides released in PlayStation 2, God of War 2 also available in PlayStation 3 since 2009 and PS Vita since 2014.
Until now, God of War 2 has received many awards and accolades. Most of all, God of War 2 also claimed as one the best and most popular PS2 games of all time. God of War 2 plot centered on Kratos as player characters. This game also based on Greek mythology and set in Ancient Greece. Action-adventure and hack-and-slash become its main genres and become popular among gamers.
God of War 2 PS2 Cheats, Codes and Secrets
Like other games, God of War 2 also have several cheats and secret codes that can be used to create spesicif effects. God of War 2 cheats can be used to unlock costumes and weapons or even game modes. Below are several God of War 2 cheats, codes and secrets for PS2.
God of War 2 Cheats – Unlockable Weapons
- Blade of Olympus – Complete the game, then start a new game + bonus play
- Dark Odyssey – Complete the game on God mode
- General Kratos – Collect 20 cyclops eyes, but you must kill them with a context-sensitive move
- Hercules – Complete the game on Titan mode
- Hydra Armor – Complete the game on any difficulty.
God of War 2 Cheats – Unlockable Costums
- Costume 1 – Complete the game on any difficulty.
- Costume 2 – Complete the game on any difficulty.
- Costume 3 – Complete the game on God Mode.
- Costume 4 – Complete the game on Titan mode.
- Costume 5 – Complete the game on Titan mode.
- Costume 6 – Collect 20 Cyclops Eyes in the main game.
- Costume 7 – Receive the God ranking in Challenge mode.
God of War 2 Secrets – High Definiton Mode
Press L1, L2, L3, Circle and Square simultaneously, input those codes any time before ‘Sony Computer Entertainment Presents’ appear in screen. The letters on that screen will turn purple if done correctly.
God of War 2 Secrets – Bonus Play
To Start a new game with all weapons at the levels you completed the game at, simply save your game and start a new game. Choose the Bonus Play option and you can start a new game with all your weapons at the levels you beat the game with. You can only choose the Bonus Play option on the difficulty you’ve beaten the game on. They will be marked by a sword on the New Game screen.
Cats Cheat Codes
![War War](
![Cat Cat](
God of War 2 Cheats – Unlock Game Mode
- Titan Mode – Complete the game to unlock this harder difficulty.
- Challenge of the Titans Mode – Complete the game on any difficulty mode to unlock in the treasures section
- Arena of the Fates Mode – Receive Titan rank on The Challenge Of The Titans to unlock in the treasures section
As one of the best PS2 games, God of War 2 is very popular among gamers all around the world. For you that find it difficult to finish this game, hopefully the cheats and codes above can help you to complete the game faster and easier. Maybe you know about other God of War 2 cheats or other codes, walkthrough and guide? Please tell us in comment section below.