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Aug 2nd, 2013
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- Summary: you must use a mod of Gecko OS to run codes for Gamecube games (as opposed to Wii games, which only need vanilla Gecko OS).
- Some links I used to compile this info:
- -,5823.0.html
- -,1946.0.html - 'On Wii'
- -,5823.msg80859.html#msg80859 - general steps
- -,240.msg73587.html#msg73587 - more detailed instructions
- - - even more detailed instructions (recommended)
- You do NOT need the Trucha Bug Restorer. The Simple IOS Patcher is a simpler, newer version of it that won't need you to downgrade your System Menu.
- Instructions here under 'Patching IOS36':,6843.0.html
- Steps:
- - Run the Simple IOS Patcher.
- - Select IOS36 as the IOS to patch. Use Left and Right to select and A to confirm.
- - 'Install IOS to slot:' 236
- ^ Why? From the macrosonic link: 'This is important because some Wii games (like Super Smash Bros. Brawl) may try to patch IOS36 from the Wii Menu if it looks different, and GeckoOS Mod looks for IOS236 as a priority (much like how GeckoOS checks to see if IOS249 is available for WiiWare and Virtual Console hacking).'
- - Choose yes to the first 4 patches: hash check (trucha), ES_Identify, nand permissions, and version check.
- Not sure if the last one, ES_set_AHBPROT, is necessary? I just patched that too, since it's Yes by default...
- - Choose '<Download IOS from NUS>'. Make sure your Wii has a working internet connection.
- - Once the IOS is downloaded and patched, press A to install the patched IOS.
- - Done.
- A bit more info:,240.msg73594.html#msg73594
- A bit more info:
- 2. Download and install the cMIOS patch for Homebrew (HMP).
- Get v0.2 here:
- What is this exactly? The README says 'This program patches the MIOS to allow booting of gamecube homebrew on a Wii.'
- Steps:
- - Run the Homebrew MIOS Patcher.
- - Select IOS236 as the IOS to load.
- - Some warning text about the possibility of bricking your Wii will show up. Wait a few seconds for the 'Press 1 or Start to start the application...', and do so.
- - Choose MIOS menu.
- - YES to both items: Patch for homebrew, and Set revision to 65535.
- ^ Why revision 65535? - 'Added the option to install the cMIOS as MIOS revision 65535 to prevent update notification on game discs'
- - Choose Install patched MIOSv4.
- - Choose '<Download MIOS from NUS>'.
- - Choose Install.
- - Once it's done, press any button to exit.
- 3. Download and install Gecko OS Mod as a Homebrew Channel app.
- Get v0.91 here:
- I can't find a working download of v0.92. The mediafire links in the original Gecko OS Mod thread are not working, as of 2012 Dec 30.
- Steps:
- - Run Gecko OS mod.
- - Select Options, then General Options. Change Save Config from NO to YES. Return to Menu.
- - Select Ocarina/Wiird. Change GC Hook Type from None to VI. Change GC Ocarina from NO to YES.
- - Launch Game.
- - If the codes were found correctly, it'll say 'Codes Found. Applying...' (If you don't know how to add codes, see below)
- 1. Finding codes:
- Be careful about regions/versions!
-,6843.0.html - Read under Gecko/GeckoOS -> Obtaining codes
- A. Use
- - Click the 'Wii' button on the top left to select a system.
- - Choose a letter and find your game.
- - Find your codes.
- B. See these subforums:
- - There's one for Gamecube codes, and several for USA Wii, PAL Wii, Wii VC, etc.
- C. Automatic way: Accio Hacks - Homebrew app that has a ton of pre-loaded codes, apparently. Info: Download:
- NeoGamma, for Gamecube hacking (debugger-like stuff, etc.):,9745.0.html
- A lot of info on Wii code types:
- Summary: Find a code. Convert it to WiiRD form if it's not already in that form. Conversion tools (and more):
- Steps:
- - Convert Gamecube codes to Wii codes using GCNcrypt. This converts between encrypted AR and decrypted AR codes. Download: (latest version is 1.5, as of 2012 Dec 30)
- - How to encrypt:
- - How to decrypt:
- - ARtoWiiRD - converts a decrypted AR code to a WiiRD code. Download:,121.0.html
- - Use the online GCT creator ( ) to convert from a text file containing WiiRD codes to a GCT file.
- - Put the resulting <game id>.gct file in SD:codes.
- - Run the game using Gecko. Make sure codes are on in Gecko's config (if you're using SD, 'SD Cheats').
- - 'all custom parts available'